Black white & red... and a new quest

So here is what I wore on tuesday. I absolutely lovethe skirt. I bought it at a second hand fair for next to nothing about two years ago and the minute temperatures are okay-ish over here, it comes out of the closet and is worn constantly. I think it is the one item I do not mind ironing. Though the pattern makes your eyes go funny after a while. I also went brave and took a close up to show off my earrings. Found them at a flea market for not even a Euro and they have been a constant go to whenever my outfits need color.
About the quest I announced in the title... some days ago I was shocked to find that I look really tired. Not that that actually came as a surprise. I have been working too much, eating too poor and caring too little. So yes, that's what you get when heavily neglecting yourself. On top of that, my skin is super-sensitive and dry, prone to redness, ekzema,... you name it. Anyways, taking pictures of myself for this blog made me have a look at my lifestyle and how a treat myself.
And I did not like what I saw!!
So the only way out then is to change habits. I don't know about you out there but I am terribly bad at that. So let's start a step-by-step approach, shall we? Here is quest number 2: Getting radiant skin!
More on that soon....

Skirt: second hand fair, caridgan: Hot Rod Hussy, earrings: flea market, pumps: van Haren
