Skincare for sensitive, dry, ekzema prone skin

Hello beauties,

so here is the result from my last quest. When I started taking pictures of myself for this blog I was shocked. I looked so tired and beaten-up. Wake-up call right there. So I set out to improve my skin care and - ultimately - my skin.
That said, I should also add that this skin is not easy to handle. About a year ago my whole body revolted against... well, everything. I got rushes, itchyness, dryness, flakyness, ekzema... basically everything was too much for this skin. Now, little by little, I am gaining back control. However, it has been a frightening experience. So here is what my skin tolerates and likes.
And who knows, maybe this post inspires someone out there with the same experience. All of the following products were tested by me for months but bear in mind that these things work for me. Unfortunately, I cannot garantee you that it will work for everyone. Also, I want to make clear that I am not getting paid by any of the companies mentioned below, all statements are based on my own experiences.

So lets get cracking:

1) Cleaser / toner: Logona Bio Rose and Aloe. Both are alcohol-free and very gentle while at the same time effectively remove waterproof mascara

2) Peeling / mask: Yes, I do use a peeling. Just once a week and not when my skin is irritated. But removing old skin cells gives your cremes better access and they work better. That also applies to ointments, of course. Look for a gentle peeling with very fine granules. I have two that work for me. In the green bottle is the Primavera revitalizing face scrub. The white sachet next to it is the Sante Lotus and white tea peeling creme.
As a mask I use either the Sante Anti-Stress mask (orange sachet) or the Avene Soothing moisture mask in the white tube.
3) Cremes. Yes, I am an Avene addict, I fully admit. But their products are perfect for sensitive skin. They only contain the absolute minimum of ingredients needed plus one of the ingredients is thermal water. Using these products, I got my skin from puffy and itchy to baby-smooth. I am using the soothing hydrating serum (in the dispenser bottle) every evening, followed by the skin recovery cream (white tube).
The longest time I spend looking for an eye-cream. A lot of them make me wake-up in the morning with my eyes all puffy and swollen, but this one works. Its the eluage eye cream from - yes again- Avene (little white tube).

4) One last word on body lotion and this took the longest time to get right. But after a year of testing, here is whats working for me: La Roche Posay Lipicar Baume. The packaging says that the formula should reduce itching but I was very skeptical. However, it is true!!! My skin is soft and the itchyness is dramatically reduced. Highly recommended product!
So ok, now that I have ranted on and on about how much better I feel, I should better get some results on the table, right? Well, here is my "before" pic. WARNING: me without make-up!!!

Uuhhhh... tiredness, dark circles, dull skin tone. Time for the "after" picture:
Better, right? Not so tired any more. Skin looks more fresh and feels baby-smooth.
