Best autumn sceneries: Norg in the Netherlands

It may just be me, but there are places that look good in spring and summer, no doubt. However, come autumn they transform from pretty to stunning. 

One of those places is the village of Norg in the Netherlands. Good chance you never heard of it, but for all of you out there who enjoy strolling through picturesque villages trying to soak up the country flair with every breath, this village is worth the trip. 

Embedded in farmland and even more spectacular old woods, the old village center is beaming with charme, especially on those golden autumn days. Thatched farmhouses, white fences and box-lined gardens, hydrangeas and shabby chic. Admittingly, the houses are so well-preserved and decorated it borders on being overdone. Still, I think it works. With one of the last pieces of old woods right next to it, the whole area breathes history, and while we prepare for gloomy, dull late-autumn days, hiking around Norg and exploring the woods is a welcome treat.

So if you happen to be in the area and looking for a place to go hiking next weekend, Norg is worth the trip I say. To make my point, here is some eye-candy to lure you into going even more.
