Color type - warm spring maybe, yes? no?

Oh my, where did I get myself into???? As you know, I am currently trying to build a new wardrobe for myself. And this time, I want to do it right. So instead of just throwing out 90% of my clothes, then running for the shops and ending up with new, unmatching, unflattering clutter, I am planning before buying.

But here is the thing. The more I dive into the do's and dont's of fashion, the more confusing it gets. Can one overanalyze clothing? Probably. But the scientist in me says we have to take all variables into consideration. Shut up, scientist me! Wander what caused the confusion? My style type.

Anuschka over at Into-Mind wrote a piece about color palettes a while ago and she also has a very interesting post about finding your color type. Perfect, I thought. If I know my type, I know the rules by which to shop. I like rules and schemes. Or maybe not. Because once I started reading, I got confused. Which type am I?????? How to find out??? Oh, I need more information. Google must have more, let's check. Oh well, and why not look into pinterest as well. And that's when the too much information problem started. Consulting more than one source can backfire quite impressively. I found the same image quite a few times and, you probably guessed it, it always described a different color type. To make the confusion worse, I tried some of the suggested tricks to find your style more easily, complete with youtube video, but of course, trying these things late in the evening could only result in more confusion. In the end, I concluded that my entire wardrobe is just wrong for me and that I will need some major investments if I ever wish to make it right. So I went to bed. Frustrated.

Luckily, looking at a problem in the cold light of morning always brings a new perspective, at least this is how it works for me. Also, in the morning one does not suffer from pinot-drowsiness. Taking another look at things this morning made me realize the following:

1) I am most likely a warm spring type. Blond hair with a strawberry undertone, blue eyes and fair-skinned. If I look at the blood vessels at my wrists, yes they may tend towards green, although last night they clearly were blue.... And I still prefer silver jewelry above gold, but that is my personal preference. Deal with it, color type!

 With make up...

 ... and - uuuh, creepy, without makeup.

2) While the colors in my wardrobe may not all be a perfect fit for my type (hello, black, black and more black) I do own a few cardigans, skirts and pants that are alright.

3) I actually know which colors I should go with. Everytime I am wearing one of those pieces that fit my type, I get complimented. If I would go only by this, I would eventually end up buying the right colors. Simple as that, whohoo!

So now that my brain is functional again and the first panic is over, I am in the process of looking at my shopping list to find ways how to incorporate "my" colors better. Wish me luck! And in the meantime, I found a new blog to get inspiration from. The Vivienne files is great to look at color combinations for capsule wardrobes!

I also like these suggestions I found on pinterest and this blog:

 Oh, that pumpkin color...

 I also love the dark brown and rust.

I already have a turquoise and a jade cardigan. And the light teal is also a pretty option.
